Saturday 1 October 2011

New Blog!!!

Its been a long time since I posted on this blog and This vis probably going to be the last because I have a new blog about season 4. Click here to see it and follow/subscribe as well. See you there,

Saturday 15 January 2011

311: Pusuit of Peace: Episode Guide

"Truth can strike down the spectre of fear."

Preview: Padmé, Bail Organa and Onaconda Farr attempt to rally Senators in opposition to a bill that would appropriate funds for millions of new clone troops and have disastrous financial consequences for the Republic. Their opposition to the measure, however, soon makes them targets for intimidation and attacks by hired guns. After escaping two hired thugs - Chata Hyoki and Robonino - in a harrowing speeder bike chase, Padmé, is able to sway the Senate with a stirring account of how the war has affected an everyday civilian, her handmaiden Teckla Minnau.

Greatest Scene: When Padmé is chased by the Bounty Hunters in an epic speeder bike scene. After escaping the mercenary's she was caught by Coruscant authorities for stealing a vehicle that she used to escape the Bounty Hunters.

Memorable Quotes:
"If your friend met with a violent end because of her politics, then lets make sure her courageous effort wasn't in vain." Bail Organa
"You want us to have a talk with her?" Robonino
"And when was the last time you ever spoke to your people?" Onaconda Farr 
"My people, your people, all of our people! If not for them then who are we fighting for?" Padmé Amidala

Secrets Revealed:
This episode is immediately followed by Season Two's 'Senate Murders', where Onaconda and Mee Deechee meet their end.
While Padmé is giving her speech, Duchess Satine can be scene in the background of the senate.
Mina Bonteri's off-screen death (attributed to a Republic attack) now makes Lux an orphan. His next interaction with the Jedi or the Republic should prove interesting.
This episode confirms what many have suspected: most of Padmé's elaborate coifs are wigs already prepared into their headdresses.

Next Episode: Nightsisters